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How to write a new article

Write New Article好的,以下是中英文对照版:

第1段(24秒): Hey, I'm Philli and I'm the CEO at Wordware. By the end of this video, you will be able to build an AI app with vision models, multi-step generations, and tools like search and 11 Labs, deploy it into your product via an API, or publish it as a Word app and share it with anyone. At Wordware, we are building an IDE and a toolkit that enables anyone to build powerful AI applications. 嗨,我是daniel,OKP AI的Founding,今天我们来评测wordware的AI应用开发工具。在这个视频的结束时,你将能够使用视觉模型、多步骤生成和搜索、11实验室等工具构建一个AI应用,通过API将其部署到你的产品中,或将其发布为Word应用并与任何人分享。在Wordware,我们正在构建一个IDE和工具包,使任何人都能构建强大的AI应用。

第2段(22秒): Now domain experts and engineers can iterate very quickly with natural language programming and get to production 20 times faster. So let me quickly take you through this and show you how it works. Let's go through a very quick "Hello World" application, as in any programming language, and here the programming language is just English. 现在,领域专家和工程师可以使用自然语言编程快速迭代,并以20倍的速度进入生产阶段。让我快速带你了解一下,并向你展示它是如何工作的。让我们来看一个非常简单的"Hello World"应用,就像在任何编程语言中一样,而这里的编程语言只是英语。

第3段(23秒): We'll go through "Hello World". We're going to say hi to a name, and here we already have an input into this function. Then we can use ASL commands and we can use a bunch of different options like generations, structured generations, more traditional concepts like loops, code executions, and conditional statements. 我们将完成"Hello World"。我们要对一个名字说你好,这里我们已经有了这个函数的输入。然后我们可以使用ASL命令,可以使用许多不同的选项,如生成、结构化生成、更传统的概念如循环、代码执行和条件语句。

第4段(24秒): And then we can use a bunch of different tools like web similarity search, web scraping, text-to-speech with 11 Labs, or even creating an image. But let's start simple. A generation can just call a model, and from here we'll just run it straight away, going to say hi to myself. Here, immediately, it says hello. We can take this application and deploy it, host it up as an API, and access it straight away. 然后我们可以使用许多不同的工具,如网络相似性搜索、网络抓取、使用11实验室进行文本到语音转换,甚至创建图像。但让我们从简单的开始。生成只需调用一个模型,从这里我们直接运行它,对自己说你好。在这里,它立即说你好。我们可以获取这个应用并部署它,将其作为API托管,并直接访问它。

第5段(25秒): So now let's do something a little bit more difficult. Here I got an image - I have not been sleeping very well before this launch, so I was looking into magnesium, and I thought, "Hey, can I write a quick Word app that will write a copy for this particular product?" So here I generated the description of the product. I researched the following product a little bit further, generate a compelling marketing copy. 现在让我们做一些稍微难一点的事情。这里我有一张图片 - 在这次发布之前我一直睡得不好,所以我在研究镁,我想,"嘿,我能不能写一个快速的Word应用,为这个特定的产品写一个文案?"所以在这里我生成了这个产品的描述。我进一步研究了以下产品,生成了一个引人注目的营销文案。

第6段(23秒): And we're just going to get rid of this and say, "Make it more... Make a marketing copy for a TV commercial. Make it more interesting and suitable for first E6 Comm. Give me just a copy and don't imitate any sounds." And then from here, we're going to run this. So it's firstly analyzing the image - Wordware is inherently multimodal - and then we research the following product to get some more information. 我们要去掉这个,说:"让它更...为电视广告制作一个营销文案。让它更有趣,更适合第一个E6 Comm。只给我一个文案,不要模仿任何声音。"然后从这里,我们要运行它。首先它分析图像 - Wordware本质上是多模态的 - 然后我们研究以下产品以获得更多信息。

第7段(21秒): "These gummies make it easy to get your daily dose, promoting a natur-" All right, we got to a working TV commercial in around 60 seconds. There's plenty more use cases, and just start using it. It's free for the first couple dollars of credits, and you can start creating your own functioning AI apps. Thank you so much, and vote us on Product Hunt, please. "这些软糖让你很容易获得每日所需剂量,促进自然..." 好了,我们在大约60秒内完成了一个有效的电视广告。还有更多的使用案例,开始使用它吧。前几美元的信用额度是免费的,你可以开始创建自己的功能性AI应用了。非常感谢,请在Product Hunt上为我们投票。
