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00:01 - 00:33 今天AI如此强大,任何人都可以编写代码。但制作应用不仅仅是写代码,你还需要能够设置开发环境、安装依赖项和配置数据库。完成所有这些后,你还需要弄清楚如何与世界分享它。看来Replit想要改变这一切。我叫Daniel,是OKP AI的创始人。今天我们来评测Replit最近宣布进入早期访问阶段的Replit Agent。有趣的是,这个产品源于Replit CEO大约10个月前在Ted AI演讲中提到的一个关于代理的想法。当时他们还没有这个产品,但现在让我们用同样的提示来测试这个真正的产品。

Today AI is so powerful that anyone can write code. But making apps is more than just writing code. You need to be able to set up a development environment, install dependencies, and configure databases. Once you're done with all of that, you need to figure out how to share it with the world. Well, it seems Replit wants to change that. My name is Daniel, I'm the founder of OKP AI. Today we're reviewing Replit Agent, which Replit recently announced in Early Access. Interestingly, this product stems from an idea about agents mentioned by Replit's CEO in a Ted AI talk about 10 months ago. They didn't have the product back then, but now let's test the real product with the same prompt.

00:33 - 01:08 让我们尝试根据位置制作一个当地地标的应用。Replit Agent给我呈现了一个计划,这个计划是完全可编辑的。我想看看它能否添加搜索功能。进度面板的一个很酷的地方是你可以了解它正在做什么。看起来这个过程对代理的行为是完全透明的,没有任何遮掩。这也可能是学习如何构建应用的好方法,因为代理在执行过程中会解释自己在做什么。

Let's try to make an app of local landmarks based on location. The Replit Agent presented me with a plan. This plan is fully editable... I want to see if it can add the ability to search. One of the cool things about the progress pane is that you can learn what it's doing. It seems this process is fully transparent about what the agent is doing, without any obscuring. This could also be a great way to learn how to build apps because the agent is explaining itself as it's doing it.

01:08 - 01:36 这就是生成的应用。看,这正是我在Foster City(我们测试这个产品的地方)所期望看到的那种地标。非常棒。在这里你可以给它反馈,可以与它互动,可以要求更多的功能。我会说"是的,看起来很棒",因为它确实完成了我所要求的。现在让我们看看代理如何进行下一步,也就是添加搜索功能。

That's the generated app. See, that's exactly the kind of landmarks I would expect to see in Foster City where we are testing this product from. It's impressive. And so here you can give it feedback, you can iterate with it, you can ask for more features. I'll just say yes it looks great because it has accomplished what I asked for. Now let's see how the agent proceeds to the next step, which is adding search functionality.

01:36 - 02:06 Replit显然在这个功能的底层架构上花了很多时间。代理的许多操作实际上与用户在IDE中的操作类似。它以类似的方式编辑代码,使用相同的工具安装依赖项。所有在Replit界面中看到的功能都对代理开放,使得代理成为一个强大的辅助用户。现在我们即将部署到云端,有趣的是,这个过程中不需要配置服务器或数据库,一切都已为你准备就绪。

Replit has clearly spent a lot of time building the underlying architecture for this. Many of the agent's actions are actually similar to what a user would do in the IDE. It's editing the code in a similar way, installing dependencies using the same tools. All the UI features in Replit are exposed to the agent, making it a powerful auxiliary user. We're about to deploy to the cloud, and interestingly, you don't have to configure a server or database - it's all set up for you.

02:06 - 02:33 Replit的CEO提到,他在旅行时产生了这个想法,并且可以在手机上开始和完成项目。这确实展示了Replit的灵活性。无论何时有想法,你都可以将其输入Replit,它就会开始为你构建。这种即时性和便利性确实令人印象深刻。

Replit's CEO mentioned that he had this idea while traveling and could start and finish the project on his phone. This really showcases Replit's flexibility. Anytime you have an idea, you can just put it into Replit, and it'll start making it for you. This immediacy and convenience is truly impressive.

02:33 - 03:09 获得初始原型后,用户还可以自己浏览代码,使用Replit的语言模型或其他喜欢的LLM。代码完全属于用户,你可以继续使用代理,切换到Replit AI,或者按照自己的意愿处理代码。在短短两分钟内,Replit Agent创建了一个Repl,配置了Python环境,安装了依赖项,编写了代码,并得到了一个可以部署到云端的运行应用。这种效率确实令人印象深刻。

After getting the initial prototype, users can also browse the code themselves, use Replit's language models or their favorite LLM. The code is entirely yours, and you can continue using the agent, switch to Replit AI, or do whatever you want with it. In just two minutes, Replit Agent created a Repl, configured the Python environment, installed dependencies, wrote the code, and we got a running app that could be deployed to the cloud. This efficiency is truly impressive.

03:09 - 03:24 总的来说,Replit Agent看起来是一个强大的工具,可能会显著改变人们创建和部署应用的方式。它目前处于早期访问阶段,我们期待看到它的进一步发展和用户反馈。作为OKP AI的创始人,我认为这种技术代表了AI辅助编程的一个有趣方向。

Overall, Replit Agent appears to be a powerful tool that could significantly change how people create and deploy applications. It's currently in Early Access, and we look forward to seeing its further development and user feedback. As the founder of OKP AI, I find this technology represents an interesting direction in AI-assisted programming.